Author: melsoto
UIC Dual Enrollment Course Header and Material Fee
Below please find the UIC course header information that you requested for the Whitney Young course booklet. I have listed a brief catalog course description after each header. Estimated material costs range from $20.00 – $60.00.
Fall 2015 dual enrollment course offering at UIC. A three college credit hour course will be taught on the UIC campus by UIC faculty from 5 pm to 6:15 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the week of August 24 through the week of December 4, 2015. Final exam will be held week of December 7, 2015.
SOC 100, Introduction to Sociology, 3 hours. Analysis of human societies, organizations and groups, and the interrelations among individuals, groups, and societies. Individual and Society, and US Society course.
Spring 2016 dual enrollment course offering at UIC. A three college credit hour course will be taught on the UIC campus by UIC faculty from 5 pm to 6:15 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the week of January 11 through the week of April 29, 2016. Final exam will be held week of May 2, 2016.
SOC 105, Social Problems, 3 hours. Contemporary social problems examined from the perspectives of social institutions, culture, inequality, organizations and groups, political and economic structure, social change, and social policy. May be substituted for SOC 100 as a prerequisite for other sociology courses. Individual and Society, and US Society course.
Please contact me or Jim Lynn with any questions. And please let us know when we will be able to visit campus to share information with the students about this opportunity. You had mentioned doing so at either an evening information session in January, or during division sessions. We are happy to accommodate.